Comfort Size
After a tremendous amount of requests and a bit of break in our schedule due to CoVid-19 we’ve been able to create a 2 inch wider COMFORT model for all of our Vintage Seats !!
We have created a new mold for each seat and widened each bolster side 1 inch to provide a better fit and comfort for our larger customers. Though we all love Porsche for their creative design, engineering, technical prowess they were not known for building very comfortable seats. They were more like benches and couches than sporty seats say in the 356 or early 911s. As some of us have aged gracefully we may not be as thin as we were in our “early days”.
Our Comfort line started with the RS seat as it was most requested. Since then we’ve received many requests for other seats to be “just a bit wider for me”. Now we have it. 356-C, R-C, ST-C, RSR-C and even a Lollipop-C are joining the RS-C in the Comfort size lineup.
The Comfort size is suggested for those with a waist greater than 40 or Hips greater than 46.The Comfort size provides just a bit more room in the hip and leg area as the room is in the bolster sides. It is also often used where the passenger may vary and ultimate comfort is the vision. The Comfort line fits exactly the same sliders and bases as all our seats do